Heather Bailey will be the first to tell you she was doubtful. She knew she wanted to buy a home, but couldn’t imagine how she would save for one. Or, even where to begin. Yet, as she puts it, “I was tired of always renting, renting, renting!” Luckily, an advertisement on Facebook caught her eye and she took that first step and reached out to Trellis. That changed everything and her home ownership dream is closer to a reality.
She enrolled in the Trellis Financial Capability Program and working with Coordinator Teresa Torres, Heather feels that she’s got someone on her side. “Teresa is wonderful”, she exclaims. “I have learned so much about being smart with my money.”
All it took was tracking her expenses to make her actually realize where her money went. “It’s different when money is automatically deducted from your account than when you have to track it manually and add everything up.” Learning where you spend your money is just one part of our Financial Coaching Program. Another part of the program is to understand our behaviors around money. That doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to stop spending altogether, but rather, it’s about being smart about the purchases we do make. Heather makes sure to really enjoy that morning cup of coffee now when she buys it!
Heather is well on her way to understanding the changes she has to make in order to build a solid budget and increase her savings. Her growing sense of financial security has even reduced her stress and she is committed to following through until she is able to purchase her own home. And, Trellis will be there for her every step of the way.
Ready to reach out to Trellis to take your first step?