More than 25 neighbors joined with Trellis staff in surprising Coronado Neighborhood Association (CNA) President Michael Anderson with our July “Good Neighbor” front porch bench.
Coronado neighbor Denise Fowers explains why she nominated Michael: “He unselfishly works countless hours as a fabulous neighbor to everyone. Even though he is the CNA President, Michael jumps right in to pick up trash and clean up the alleys. He really serves his neighborhood and neighbors with love.”
Kellie Kreiser, Michael’s wife, describes Michael’s ‘foundation of service’: “It came from his parents, early Peace Corps volunteers. Michael was born in India, but returned to the US at age 11. He spent his teen-age years in Providence, R.I. and then settled in the west in his 20s.”
Kellie adds: “He’s always helping people. Not only does he volunteer hours of time with the CNA, but he’s always the guy who will help someone in need. Whether he’s fixing something for someone, taking a friend for chemo treatment, checking in to make sure neighbors are OK and a million other small, but important gestures that make people feel included in the neighborhood.”
But making sure Michael was available to be surprised wasn’t easy. He didn’t understand why someone from Trellis needed to meet with him at his home. He tried to schedule the meeting at the local coffee shop or at the Community Center – anywhere but his house where he and his wife were in the midst of packing up the kitchen for a remodel. We finally agreed to meet at the Community Center at a time that would be long after the bench would actually be presented – thanks to Kellie and supportive neighbors who gathered to surprise a very deserving awardee.
LR: Joel McCabe, Trellis COO / Maria Lopez-Corona, Representing Vice Mayor / Councilperson Laura Pastor