Phoenix CARES Grant Requirements

Section 1 – COVID-19 Acceptable Crisis Documentation 

COVID-19 Job/Wage Instability: 

  • Unemployment / Termination 
    • Termination letter from employer
    • Proof of unemployment application
    • Proof client has applied for benefits
    • Self-certification of termination of employment if employment is not tied to a formal employment structure (i.e. Mechanics, babysitters, housekeepers, etc.)
  • Impact to household income
    • Hours reduced
    • Employer letter stating change in hours
    • Paystubs from last three pay cycles showing a reduction in hours
  • Wages reduced
    • Employer letter regarding wage reduction or notice of furlough
    • Employer letter of current/future hours per pay period
    • Unemployment letter / SSI benefits discontinued
  • Day care
    • Increased expenses tied to COVID-19 social distancing requirements
  • Self-certification of reduction in income if employment is not tied to a formal employment structure (i.e. Mechanics, babysitters, housekeepers, etc.)

Section 2 – City of Phoenix Residency Documentation 

City of Phoenix residency of the applicant must be verified before services can be provided. 

Any of the documents listed below can be used for identity verification. 

City of Phoenix Residency Verification Documents: 

1. Driver’s license 

2. Work or school ID 

3. Public benefit award letter. Examples include: 

  • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) award letter 
  • Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) award letter 

4. Utility bill 

5. Mortgage bill / lease agreement 

6. Other reasonable sources 

In addition, the utility service address must be verified to match the applicant’s residential address.

Section 3 – Acceptable Identify Verification Documentation 

The identity of the applicant must be verified before services can be provided. Any of the 

documents listed below can be used for identity verification. 

Identity Verification Documents: 

1. Driver’s license 

2. Work or school ID 

3. ID card from health benefits or social service program 

4. Social Security card 

5. Voter registration card 

6. Wage stubs 

7. Birth certificate 

8. Family census card 

9. Other reasonable sources 

Section 4 – Acceptable Verification Documents Supporting Applicant’s Lawful Presence in the U.S.


One of the following documents may be accepted as proof of lawful presence in the U.S., in addition to 

documents listed in Attachment B, attachment 4: 

Acceptable Verification Documentation to Support Applicant’s Lawful Presence in the U.S.: 

  • A birth certificate issued by a U.S., state or local governmental bureau of vital statistics *Abstracts are acceptable* 
  • Puerto Rico birth certificate or replacement birth certificate issued after July 1, 2010. This policy applies to new applicants only. If the applicant has previously received benefits and provided a birth certificate issued prior to July 1, 2010, a new birth certificate is not required. 
  • U.S. Passport current or expired, except limited passports which are issued for periods of less than 5 years 
  • For agencies that have access to the DES AZTEC printout of the CAP2 screen for an open Food Stamp or Cash Assistance case for which the applicant is coded IN for the case. Or a current decision letter from the ADES/Family Assistance Administration that demonstrates eligibility for the Food Stamp or Cash Assistance Programs. Award letter must list the applicant as an eligible member of the household. 
  • Certificate of Birth issued by the Department of State (FS-545 or DPS-1350) 
  • Certificate of Naturalization (N-550 or N-570) 
  • Certificate of U.S. Citizenship (N-560 or N-561) 
  • Report of Birth Abroad of a U.S. Citizen (FS-240) issued by the U.S. State Department 
  • U.S. Consular officer’s statement 
  • A United States Citizen Identification Card (I-197) 
  • Northern Mariana Identification Card (I-873) 
  • American Indian Card (I-872) issued by USCIS with the classification code KIC 
  • An identification card for use of Resident Citizen (I-179) 
  • A tribal enrollment card or Certificate of Indian Blood issued by a federally recognized Indian Tribe that shows that the person is enrolled or affiliated with that tribe. 
  • U.S. Census record that shows the applicant’s name, a U.S. place of birth and the date of birth or the applicant’s age when the record was made. It must also indicate a place of birth in the U.S., its territories, or possessions 
  • Religious record created within three months after birth, showing the participant’s date of birth, OR the participant’s age when the record was made. It must indicate a place of birth in the U.S. Territories, or Possessions. 
  • Proof of employment as a U.S. Government Civil Servant before June 1, 1976 
  • Early school records, preferably from the first school, showing the date of admission, the child’s date and place of birth, the names of the parents, and places of birth of the parents if listed 
  • Adoption finalization papers showing the child’s name and place of birth in the U.S., its territories or possessions (when adoption is not finalized, and the State will not release a birth certificate prior to final adoption, a statement from a state approved adoption agency containing the child’s name and place of birth may be used. The source of information must be an original birth certificate and must be indicated in the statement) 
  • Certificates of Live Birth signed by a hospital official and parent 
  • Medical records created at least five years before applying for services that list a U.S. place of birth. For children under age 16 the document must be created near the time of birth OR five years prior to the application date. These include: hospital wrist bands, crib cards, or yellow copies of hospital birth certificates indicating birth in the U.S., its territories or possessions