Emergency Resources

In an Emergency, Call 9-1-1 IMMEDIATELY!
2-1-1, is a free and confidential service that helps people in Arizona the local resources they need 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and can be accessed by dialing 211
Local Resources
Trellis is committed to helping the communities that we serve; however, we recognize there are services outside of our scope. We have assembled a list of local and national resources. Please let us know if any of these links/numbers are incorrect.
Rental Assistance:
HUD (Phx) 602-379-4461 www.hud.gov/states/arizona/office
Community Housing Partnership 602-253-6905 www.chpaz.org
Section 8 (Mesa) 480-644-3536
Section 8 (Phoenix) 602-534-1974
Section 8 (Tempe) 480-350-8950
Section 8 (Scottsdale) 480-312-7717
Section 8 (Peoria) 623-486-4375
Section 8 (Chandler) 480-782-3200
Section 8 (Glendale) 623-930-2180
Section 8 (Maricopa County) 602-744-4562
Fair Housing:
AZ Attorney Gen Office Civil Rights Division 602-542-5263 www.azag.gov/civil-rights
AZ Fair Housing 602-548-1599 housing.az.gov/general-public/fair-housing
Tenant Legal Assistance:
AZ Tenants Association 602-257-8987 www.arizonatenants.com
City of PHX Landlord & Tenant 602-262-7210 www.phoenix.gov/humanservices/programs/landlord-tenant-counseling
AZ Tenant Advocate 480-557-8905 www.arizonatenants.com
Community Legal Svcs. (attorney) 602-258-3434 clsaz.org
Community Legal Services (Mesa) 480-833-1442
Maricopa County Bar Assoc ($35) 602-257-4200
Homeownership Counseling:
HUD 800-569-4287 www.hud.gov/states/arizona/office
Capitol Mall Association (Phx) 602-340-0745
City of Phoenix – Scattered Sites 602-261-8035
Espiritu Community Development Corp 602-305-5012 espiritu.org
Habitat for Humanity-Central Az 602-268-9022 habitatcaz.org
Habitat for Humanity-West Valley 623-583-2417
Habitat for Humanity – Desert Foothills 623-551-6400
Chicanos Por La Causa (Phx) 602-253-0838 cplc.org
Chicanos Por La Causa (Mesa) 480-833-0016 cplc.org
Phoenix Revitalization (referral agency) 602-253-6895
Safe Haven (Phx) 866-707 Baby
Desert Mission (PHX) 602-331-5833 desertmission.com
Greater Phoenix Urban League 602-254-5611
Newtown (Tempe) 480-517-1589 newtowncdc.org
City Of Tempe Housing Services 480-350-8950
Native American Connections 602-254-3247 nativeconnections.org
Credit Counseling:
American Family Credit Counseling 602-944-3849
Consumer Credit Counseling 866-889-9347
Money Management International 888-845-5669
Default/Foreclosure Assistance:
AZ Foreclosure Prevention Task Force 877-448-1211 arizonaforeclosuretaskforce.com
Homeowner’s Hotline 888-995-4673
Chicanos Por La Causa 602-253-0838 cplc.org
Labor’s Community Services ($) 602-263-5741
Community Housing Resources of AZ 602-631-9780 communityhousingresources.org
Reverse Mortgage Counseling:
Take Charge America 877-357-6309
Money Management International 866-232-9080
Owner Occupied Rehab:
Mesa Housing Rehabilitation 480-644-3208 mesaaz.gov
Tempe Housing Services 480-350-8372 tempe.gov/housing
City of Phoenix Neighborhood Services 602-495-0700 phoenix.gov/nsd
Emergency Home Repair:
Mesa Housing Services 480-644-3208 mesaaz.gov/residents/housing
Mesa CAN 480-833-9200 turnanewleaf.org
Tempe Housing Services 480-350-8950 tempe.gov/housing
Phx. Neighborhood Services 602-495-0700 phoenix.gov/nsd
Foundation for Senior Living 480-784-1900 fsl.org
Emergency Assistance Shelters:
Turn a New Leaf (877) 211-8661 turnanewleaf.org
Shelter Hotline 602-263-8900
Community information. & Referal 602-263-8856
Child Crisis Center (for children) 480-969-2308
La Mesita Family Shelter(Mesa) 480-834-8723
Central AZ (adults only) 602-256-6945
Salvation Army Family Shelter 602-267-4130
United Methodist Outreach (family) UMOM 602-275-7852 umom.org
TLC (halfway house women/men) 480-461-3136
Vista Colina (Phx- family) 602-944-0960 www.azhousinginc.org/vista-colina.html
Church on the Street (men- Phx) 602-447-0259 cotsphoenix.org
Domestic Violence Shelters:
Maricopa SAFE Domestic Violence 480-890-3039 maricopa-az.gov/domestic-violence
AZ Coalition Against D. V. 800-799-7233 acesdv.org
PreHab (Mesa) 480-733-3050
Autumn House (no shelter, assistance only) 480-835-5555 womenshelters.org
My Sisters Place (Chandler) 480-821-1024 http://domesticshelters.org
New Life (Goodyear) 623-932-4404
Faith House (Glendale) 623-939-6798
De Colores (Phx) 602-269-1515
Chrysalis (Phx) 602-944-4999
Rent /Utility/Food/Financial:
Travis Williams Fam Serv Center 602-534-4732
Maricopa County Human Services 602-506-5911 maricopa.gov/3868/Human-Services
Catholic Charities 480-964-8771
Chicanos Por La Causa cplc.org
Salvation Army 480-833-8322
St. Vincent De Paul 602-495-3065 stvincentdepaul.net
United Food Bank 480-926-4897 unitedfoodbank.org
DES Utility Assistance 602-542-6600 des.az.gov/services/basic-needs/shelter-housing/utility-assistance
Valley Christian Centers 602-258-5163
Lutheran Social Ministries 480-654-4539
Maricopa County Transportation Services 480-833-4629 maricopa.gov/5307
Mission of Mercy (Health care/no $) 480-833-8987
Value Options (Counseling/Health) 800-564-5465
Disability Services:
ABILity 360 (Advocacy,home mod & info) 602-256-2245 ability360.org
Opportunity Tree (group home assistance) 602-956-0400 theopportunitytree.org
16th St. Rehab Services 602-266-6752
Goodwill Industries of AZ 602-254-2222
Transitional Housing:
Save the Family 480-898-0228 savethefamily.org
UMOM 602-275-7852 umom.org
Homeward Bound 602-263-7654 homewardboundaz.org
Labors Community Service 602-263-5741 lcsaphx.org
House of Refuge-East 480-988-9242 houseofrefuge.org
House of Refuge-Sunnyslope 602-678-0223 refugesunnyslope.com
YWCA (Women w/children only) 602-258-0990
EVMC (men) 480-610-6722
Arizona Dept Education Preschool
Arizona Dept Education Special Education https://www.azed.gov/ESS/parent-resources-early-childhood-special-education
Child and Family Resources
Southwest Human Development Birth-Five Helpline 877-705-5437 https://www.swhd.org/programs/health-and-development/birth-to-five-helpline/
Southwest Human Development Head Start 877-705-5437 https://www.swhd.org/programs/head-start/
Senior and Elderly:
Foundation for Senior Living 602-285-1800 fsl.org
24 Hr. Senior Helpline 602-264-4357
Mesa Senior Services 480-962-5612
Aster Aging 480-964-9014 asteraz.org
AZ Senior Citizen Law Project (legal sv.) 602-252-6710 AZLawHelpSeniors
Workforce Development:
AWEE 602-223-4333 awee.org
Maricopa County Human Services 602-506-5911 maricopa.gov/527
Homeless Services Directory
If you are experiencing or at risk of homelessness and need assistance, please contact 211 or Maricopa County Crisis Hotline (602-222-9444) for an assessment and a connection to available resources for emergency food, shelter, clothing, healthcare, employment, financial assistance, and other essential needs.